Pretty much the sequel to "The Pharisee Game".
Can everyone break into
A loud resounding chorus
Of hallelujahs?
No they can’t
Because they were told not to sing
Until they surrendered
To a different tune
With different lyrics.
Hallelujah to the God
Who sent His Son to die
For him but not him,
For her but not her.
Hallelujah to the God
Who says love thy neighbour,
Except for that one.
Hallelujah to the God
Who prefers one denomination
Over another.
Hallelujah to the God
Who can be boxed in
And understood by human intelligence.
Hallelujah to the God
Who brings oppression
And fear.
Hallelujah to the God
Of the Pharisees.
Well I am sorry,
But I cannot
And will not
Sing this song.
Hallelujah to the God
Of Unconditional love.
Hallelujah to the God
Of peace and reconciliation.
Hallelujah to the God
Who brings life in all its fullness.
Hallelujah to the God
Who works for the good of His children.
Hallelujah to the God
Who brings freedom.
Hallelujah to the God
Who builds one church.
Hallelujah to the God
Of rich and poor
Old and young
Male and female
Gay and straight
Of every tribe
And tongue
And nation.
Of the global North
And global South.
Hallelujah to the God
Who says Come as your are
From wherever you are
And find rest for your soul.
Hallelujah to THE God.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Poem - The Pharisee Game
It's a passion of mine to reclaim the word 'reform' when it comes to Churches in Northern Ireland. A total 're-look' at what Jesus prioritised and what He criticised. And above all this, how he loved people. The following poem was written both out of frustration at how people are treated and hurt, but also out of hope that there are genuine hearts seeking to love.
Just because you can't comprehend it,
Doesn't mean you're free to condemn it.
Don't act the expert on what you don't know,
And stop putting on this authority show.
It's not all about what you think or perceive,
And the truth doesn't stop at what you believe.
Let's see if you can open your mind
To accept those of a 'different kind'.
And don't try to 'fix' them or 'pray it away',
Just invite them in and ask them to stay.
You see externals but God sees the heart,
Of the bigger picture we see only a part.
Jesus paid it all so that no-one should die,
And they could know God and have eternal life.
But we evangelicals rebuild the walls
That keep people out of God's 'Kingdom for All'.
The doctrines and rules of our denominations
Is breaking down God-with-human relations.
Jesus said people who love come from God,
So I can't help but find it a little bit odd,
That many who know the grace of the Cross,
More quickly condemn and leave people lost.
What's more important at the end of the day;
The state of their souls or the fact that they're gay?
Your priorities seem a bit off to me,
When Jesus came to set people free.
Free from all sin, all guilt and all shame,
But you keep playing the Pharisee game.
You let your debatable point of view
Warp what is undeniably true.
That Jesus loves all without any condition,
And he made a way out of perdition.
I'm pleading with you to open your eyes,
And to be His disciples and answer the cries,
Of the outcast, the broken, the poor and alone
Don't be the ones to keep throwing stones.
This side of heaven you won't know in full,
So just place yourself in His hands as a tool,
That by your hands and feet His will can be done,
And through your heart His Kingdom will come.
Just because you can't comprehend it,
Doesn't mean you're free to condemn it.
Don't act the expert on what you don't know,
And stop putting on this authority show.
It's not all about what you think or perceive,
And the truth doesn't stop at what you believe.
Let's see if you can open your mind
To accept those of a 'different kind'.
And don't try to 'fix' them or 'pray it away',
Just invite them in and ask them to stay.
You see externals but God sees the heart,
Of the bigger picture we see only a part.
Jesus paid it all so that no-one should die,
And they could know God and have eternal life.
But we evangelicals rebuild the walls
That keep people out of God's 'Kingdom for All'.
The doctrines and rules of our denominations
Is breaking down God-with-human relations.
Jesus said people who love come from God,
So I can't help but find it a little bit odd,
That many who know the grace of the Cross,
More quickly condemn and leave people lost.
What's more important at the end of the day;
The state of their souls or the fact that they're gay?
Your priorities seem a bit off to me,
When Jesus came to set people free.
Free from all sin, all guilt and all shame,
But you keep playing the Pharisee game.
You let your debatable point of view
Warp what is undeniably true.
That Jesus loves all without any condition,
And he made a way out of perdition.
I'm pleading with you to open your eyes,
And to be His disciples and answer the cries,
Of the outcast, the broken, the poor and alone
Don't be the ones to keep throwing stones.
This side of heaven you won't know in full,
So just place yourself in His hands as a tool,
That by your hands and feet His will can be done,
And through your heart His Kingdom will come.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Larry Norman - Woman Of God
I have been touched by this poem, so thought I would share it with anyone who would choose to read it... It's called Woman of God by Larry Norman.
I need a woman who doesn't take drugs or mess with men,
Believes the Bible and despises sin,
Lifts me up instead of knocking me down
Follows God instead of running around.
I need a woman who's kind and true
I haven't found her but until I do,
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
I need a woman who knows the measure of what she's worth
Stores up treasure but not on earth.
Seeks God's will in all that's done,
And keeps her eyes on the holy one.
I need a woman who's kind and true
I haven't found her but until I do,
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
The Bible says - a good wife, who can find?
She's more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband is glad in her
She clothes her children in purple;
Her lamp does not go out at night.
She is known among the people in the city
And her children shall rise up and call her blessed.
I'm looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
You know, I'm looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
I need a woman who doesn't take drugs or mess with men,
Believes the Bible and despises sin,
Lifts me up instead of knocking me down
Follows God instead of running around.
I need a woman who's kind and true
I haven't found her but until I do,
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
I need a woman who knows the measure of what she's worth
Stores up treasure but not on earth.
Seeks God's will in all that's done,
And keeps her eyes on the holy one.
I need a woman who's kind and true
I haven't found her but until I do,
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
I'll be looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
The Bible says - a good wife, who can find?
She's more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband is glad in her
She clothes her children in purple;
Her lamp does not go out at night.
She is known among the people in the city
And her children shall rise up and call her blessed.
I'm looking for a woman of God,
A woman with a righteous heart.
You know, I'm looking for a woman of God,
Who doesn't easily fall apart.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Relationships, questions, hopes and frustrations.
Relationships have been on my mind in a somewhat objective way. I have so many thoughts, perspectives, questions and comments. I haven't been able to make coherant sense of them yet, so I doubt writing a blog about them is going to bring any more clarity, but here goes anyway...
Firstly, why has the spontanaeity gone right out the window, particularly in Christian circles?! Everything seems to have become so cautious and serious. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with caution and it is very important not to wear one's heart on one's sleeve, but we are verging on ridiculous. Relationships seem to be at two extreme ends of the scale - either too cautious to be spontaneous or fun, or else people just do not know how to treat each other and break hearts all over the place. What is happening to us?! Whatever happened to good old-fashioned Saturday night dates with laughter, excitement, the pleasure of being walked home? Getting to know one another without the questions of immediate commitment weighing on one shoulder or the fear of being totally abused, hurt and mistreated weighing on the other?! In no way do I mean it is okay to go out with lots of people at once, or kiss random people. If anyone tried to argue against the danger of these things I would suggest they get their glasses checked... but I'm talking about not being afraid to feel things and enjoy the company of each other, and if it develops in a healthy, safe and enjoyable way then great!
Why does so much go unsaid? Honestly, how is anybody meant to get anywhere if nobody is honest. By all means, it's important for people to take their time and figure out if they feel anything and so on, but there comes a point when it should just be put out there. It should not be all about deciphering games. I have to admit I'm pretty traditional on the point that in guy-girl relationships I do feel it should be the guy taking the first steps here - but in a moment of honesty, I genuinely don't know if this is because I actually believe this is the way it should be, or because I would not want to put myself in that position vulnerable to rejection. Sorry guys... girls don't mean to put you there either. We're just under the misconception that you're less scared.
It seems that the careful people (who don't break hearts on purpose) need to get everything in life completely sorted before letting anybody else in. They have to know exactly what they want in a life-partner (which I'm afraid to say, is problematic enough as it is!) and they have to know what they are doing with their futures (which I'm sorry, but God could upturn at any moment). It's like they have to go through so much of the journey before letting someone else join them, rather than letting somebody journey with them (and this is where the beauty is!). There is never gong to be a guarantee that it is all going to go smoothly or work out perfectly, but would it not be better to figure it out together? There is so much about relationships that should be figred out OUTSIDE of them (with the help of mentors, friends, Bible, books etc) but there is a lot that also can only be figured out IN them. Since when did entering a relationship become 'taking the plunge', 'jumping off a cliff', 'walking on hot coals'? Could we be any more negative about something that is actually awesome?!
Another thought I have however is that so many people are trying to find satisfaction for their souls in relationships, and this is undeniably one of the most dangerous elements of relationships there could ever be. They are walking into them without giving it much thought at all, they are giving their partners the place of God in their lives and acting like they're married at far too young an age/far too early a stage in the relationship. If you expect another person to fill the eternal spaces in your soul, they are always going to fall short. Another human being cannot 'complete' you and you are expecting far too much from them if this is what you want. A relationship is about building each other up in love and enjoying the parts of life that you find beautiful together, as well as helpng each other through the pains and trials. It is about supporting one another, not fulfilling one another. There is only One able to fill your soul... and when this relationship is good, the relationships we have here on earth can be healthy and have another wonderful dimension.
Why are we so afraid of each other and ourselves? Why can we not let someone in? Why is that position of vulnerability one of the scariest places to be? And how do we get over it? Why do past hurts leave such callouses? Why does the future have to be so fixed in our minds before it even begins? Why do we use God as an excuse to shut people out or hurt their hearts? And why at other times do we not even consult God?
Here's to enjoying life to the full...
Here's to not leaving things left unsaid...
Here's to not being afraid...
Here's to allowing somebody else to reach our hearts while we let God hold us...
Here's to journeying together...
Here's to FUN...
Here's to relationships...
Firstly, why has the spontanaeity gone right out the window, particularly in Christian circles?! Everything seems to have become so cautious and serious. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with caution and it is very important not to wear one's heart on one's sleeve, but we are verging on ridiculous. Relationships seem to be at two extreme ends of the scale - either too cautious to be spontaneous or fun, or else people just do not know how to treat each other and break hearts all over the place. What is happening to us?! Whatever happened to good old-fashioned Saturday night dates with laughter, excitement, the pleasure of being walked home? Getting to know one another without the questions of immediate commitment weighing on one shoulder or the fear of being totally abused, hurt and mistreated weighing on the other?! In no way do I mean it is okay to go out with lots of people at once, or kiss random people. If anyone tried to argue against the danger of these things I would suggest they get their glasses checked... but I'm talking about not being afraid to feel things and enjoy the company of each other, and if it develops in a healthy, safe and enjoyable way then great!
Why does so much go unsaid? Honestly, how is anybody meant to get anywhere if nobody is honest. By all means, it's important for people to take their time and figure out if they feel anything and so on, but there comes a point when it should just be put out there. It should not be all about deciphering games. I have to admit I'm pretty traditional on the point that in guy-girl relationships I do feel it should be the guy taking the first steps here - but in a moment of honesty, I genuinely don't know if this is because I actually believe this is the way it should be, or because I would not want to put myself in that position vulnerable to rejection. Sorry guys... girls don't mean to put you there either. We're just under the misconception that you're less scared.
It seems that the careful people (who don't break hearts on purpose) need to get everything in life completely sorted before letting anybody else in. They have to know exactly what they want in a life-partner (which I'm afraid to say, is problematic enough as it is!) and they have to know what they are doing with their futures (which I'm sorry, but God could upturn at any moment). It's like they have to go through so much of the journey before letting someone else join them, rather than letting somebody journey with them (and this is where the beauty is!). There is never gong to be a guarantee that it is all going to go smoothly or work out perfectly, but would it not be better to figure it out together? There is so much about relationships that should be figred out OUTSIDE of them (with the help of mentors, friends, Bible, books etc) but there is a lot that also can only be figured out IN them. Since when did entering a relationship become 'taking the plunge', 'jumping off a cliff', 'walking on hot coals'? Could we be any more negative about something that is actually awesome?!
Another thought I have however is that so many people are trying to find satisfaction for their souls in relationships, and this is undeniably one of the most dangerous elements of relationships there could ever be. They are walking into them without giving it much thought at all, they are giving their partners the place of God in their lives and acting like they're married at far too young an age/far too early a stage in the relationship. If you expect another person to fill the eternal spaces in your soul, they are always going to fall short. Another human being cannot 'complete' you and you are expecting far too much from them if this is what you want. A relationship is about building each other up in love and enjoying the parts of life that you find beautiful together, as well as helpng each other through the pains and trials. It is about supporting one another, not fulfilling one another. There is only One able to fill your soul... and when this relationship is good, the relationships we have here on earth can be healthy and have another wonderful dimension.
Why are we so afraid of each other and ourselves? Why can we not let someone in? Why is that position of vulnerability one of the scariest places to be? And how do we get over it? Why do past hurts leave such callouses? Why does the future have to be so fixed in our minds before it even begins? Why do we use God as an excuse to shut people out or hurt their hearts? And why at other times do we not even consult God?
Here's to enjoying life to the full...
Here's to not leaving things left unsaid...
Here's to not being afraid...
Here's to allowing somebody else to reach our hearts while we let God hold us...
Here's to journeying together...
Here's to FUN...
Here's to relationships...
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Justifyably frustrated
I have one week and one day left of final year in uni, and it has taken me to reach these last few weeks to see the inequalities and various issues. I have witnessed discrimination within the marking systems for one particular module I have been doing. And I know this goes beyond this module... one supervisor told me at the beginning of the year that last year, she would have given one girl 68 (highest 2.1 queens give) for her dissertation... but that girl failed!!! How is that even possible? Very frustrating working hard to know that your work could simply fall into the hands of somebody who either doesn't like you or your style of work, and to know this could impact upon the grade given is somewhat unnerving. For an institution that is supposed to be 'upstanding', the level of institutional integrity that I have witnessed over the past while is questionable, to say the least. I absolutely cannot wait until friday 22nd may at 11.30am when I will be finished with Queens forever. I plan on having the most enjoyable summer yet!!! And these past few weeks have confirmed for me that I really want to work with an organisation that tackles issues of inequality and discrimination. Over and out, J
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Skeletons In My Closet
The skeletons in my closet
Are no secret to myself,
But they are working their way out.
Time and time again
They catch me by surprise
And turn everything wrong-side-up,
And upside-down.
Logic turns to liquid,
And righteousness to sinfulness.
When the world starts making sense again,
They show up
With their haunting laughter,
Taunting me with “I told you so”,
Leading me to that all-too-familiar friend
Who I wish I’d never met.
One day extracts a smile
While another extracts my well-being.
You serve as a reminder
Of my capacity to get things wrong;
And my deep, regretful apology for that.
Please take the handcuffs off,
And loosen up the throat-hold.
Because the more the law-enforcing skeletons
Remind me of my guilt,
The more I hold myself in contempt.
Show me how to forgive myself,
As I have been forgiven.
Are no secret to myself,
But they are working their way out.
Time and time again
They catch me by surprise
And turn everything wrong-side-up,
And upside-down.
Logic turns to liquid,
And righteousness to sinfulness.
When the world starts making sense again,
They show up
With their haunting laughter,
Taunting me with “I told you so”,
Leading me to that all-too-familiar friend
Who I wish I’d never met.
One day extracts a smile
While another extracts my well-being.
You serve as a reminder
Of my capacity to get things wrong;
And my deep, regretful apology for that.
Please take the handcuffs off,
And loosen up the throat-hold.
Because the more the law-enforcing skeletons
Remind me of my guilt,
The more I hold myself in contempt.
Show me how to forgive myself,
As I have been forgiven.
Of The Heart.
Emotions are Rife
Hearts are being held out for the taking,
And the breaking.
Prolonged glances
Become wishes, desires;
Adventurous and deviant, but pure.
Long conversations
Are being interpreted as
Long, lost loves.
Oh how we settle for less than our hearts deserve.
But then
Our blackened hearts do not
Deserve much after all.
So we will suffer the loss
And cope with the pain
Until such a time when we are no longer alone.
The sun will shine
On such a day.
I must wish you well,
And bid you adieu.
To avoid falling deeper
In love with you.
Hearts are being held out for the taking,
And the breaking.
Prolonged glances
Become wishes, desires;
Adventurous and deviant, but pure.
Long conversations
Are being interpreted as
Long, lost loves.
Oh how we settle for less than our hearts deserve.
But then
Our blackened hearts do not
Deserve much after all.
So we will suffer the loss
And cope with the pain
Until such a time when we are no longer alone.
The sun will shine
On such a day.
I must wish you well,
And bid you adieu.
To avoid falling deeper
In love with you.
My beautiful daughter,
Tenderly I speak to you
To say
Your conflict is over.
The price has been paid
For every wrong thought, word and deed.
I do not hold you in contempt.
I have forgiven you completely,
And I love you
I do not like to see you
So upset.
The flow of this weeping river
Formed by your tears
Must be replaced
By my endless water of refreshment.
I came to you that you might know
From sin,
That you could live, move and have your being
In the rhythm of our hearts beating together.
Let me walk you through
Green pastures.
And along the paths that are
Good for you.
Let us enjoy this journey,
When I am with you, for you, around you;
Who can be against you?
I will protect you,
Lead you and guide you.
I will defend you,
Deliver you,
And sing lovingly over you.
Don’t listen to those words
Of accusation.
Those words are not from me.
I have clothed you in robes of righteousness.
I have cleansed you.
I have covered what was crimson,
With purity as white as snow.
Listen to my truth,
And my truth shall set you free.
Tenderly I speak to you
To say
Your conflict is over.
The price has been paid
For every wrong thought, word and deed.
I do not hold you in contempt.
I have forgiven you completely,
And I love you
I do not like to see you
So upset.
The flow of this weeping river
Formed by your tears
Must be replaced
By my endless water of refreshment.
I came to you that you might know
From sin,
That you could live, move and have your being
In the rhythm of our hearts beating together.
Let me walk you through
Green pastures.
And along the paths that are
Good for you.
Let us enjoy this journey,
When I am with you, for you, around you;
Who can be against you?
I will protect you,
Lead you and guide you.
I will defend you,
Deliver you,
And sing lovingly over you.
Don’t listen to those words
Of accusation.
Those words are not from me.
I have clothed you in robes of righteousness.
I have cleansed you.
I have covered what was crimson,
With purity as white as snow.
Listen to my truth,
And my truth shall set you free.
Enwrapped By What I Hate
It’s hard to tell what’s going on with me,
When I cannot even grasp reality.
I don’t want to be governed by my heart,
But my rationale can’t find where to start.
I remember days when I was better,
I prioritized well – I was so together.
But due to circumstances, everything changes,
And now I go through life feeling deranged,
For my condition there’s no obvious cure;
Spiritually rich but emotionally poor.
I crave acceptance that just will not be,
If I allow people to truly know me.
The danger of course is that I put on a mask –
Each morning this is my very first task.
I ignore the very core of my need,
But my pretence, entrapment and anguish I’ll feed.
I know this has seemed like a sorry tale,
The truth that I simply cannot be real.
Yet I hope for the day when in spite of the crowd,
I can unravel my heart, and of it, be proud.
When I cannot even grasp reality.
I don’t want to be governed by my heart,
But my rationale can’t find where to start.
I remember days when I was better,
I prioritized well – I was so together.
But due to circumstances, everything changes,
And now I go through life feeling deranged,
For my condition there’s no obvious cure;
Spiritually rich but emotionally poor.
I crave acceptance that just will not be,
If I allow people to truly know me.
The danger of course is that I put on a mask –
Each morning this is my very first task.
I ignore the very core of my need,
But my pretence, entrapment and anguish I’ll feed.
I know this has seemed like a sorry tale,
The truth that I simply cannot be real.
Yet I hope for the day when in spite of the crowd,
I can unravel my heart, and of it, be proud.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
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