Thursday, 24 April 2008

Rambling about engaging with life.

I demand a revolution, but I seem to talk in code most of the time. A revolution of what, you say... of thought, motive and deed, I say.

I would say you were my sweetest downfall, but could a downfall ever be sweet? I don't know.

I wish I had somebody to blame.

I am immersed in academia, but can I use any of it really? If it eventually gets the better of me, then it was all for nothing.

Engagement is my 'word of the week'. Engage with yourself - with your deepest passion, emotion, questions, creativity, knowledge and so on. Engage yourself with life - use these aspects of self to impact the world. Engage your heart with others - we are relational people, never meant to be alone. Alone we wither away. Engage your soul with God - it's why you were made, and this is not up for ridiculous, theological arguments.

Engage, Engage, Engage.

When you stop engaging, something is wrong. Things get dark. Life gets dull. The world gets scary. We get sad. Keep engaging.

Desire drives us. Desire is difficult. Desire can be leading, and misleading. It's all about perspective.


DJC said...

Hi Jade, thanks for dropping by and commenting. I find the current state of my personal thoughts and speculations to be in flux and comparatively uninteresting, so i prefer to leave the talking to other ppl! If there's anything specific you want to know just shoot me an email. Cheers,


Staci said...

Nice Regina Spektor reference. I've read through some of your posts and I think I like you (in a good, healthy, not-creepy sort of way, no worries!). I also really love words, and it appears as though we have the same base for our beliefs (the Bible)... so I think I will stay updated on your blog, if that's okay? I hope you have a great day, take care! (i'm sorry if you receive this comment several times...)

annA said...

Academia can be your greatest tool, so long as you remember it is just a tool - or, more precisely, a set of tools, not always in simplistic harmony with each other. It can be the best set of tools for engagement (engagement with you, with your tools, with your use of those tools): best because it is the most effective, and consequently the most dangerous. But the point where you threaten yourself with engagement is the place you will grow and learn the most.